Spread Message
Broadcast video recording of your services
Provide service information
Improve fundraising
Increase participants in ministries & small groups
Improve volunteer scheduling and subbing
Merchandise / Content
Share sermons, music , and other content
Connect to online store with merchandise links
Send product promos
What's Happening
On-the-go Bible studies and small groups
Promote social media topics
Engage in one-to-one chats or mass broadcasts on events and happenings
Why Choose Shoot.to?
Targeting customized content and text messaging to specific audience groups boosts engagement and participation - of attending mass, events and staying involved.
How it works
Create an Account
Go to Shoot.to/Start to enter your number, and then enter the verification number texted to your phone.
Create Your Audience and give them a name.
Upload Media and customize your audience.
Invite Everyone
Post Content to your website, and social media pages.
Send an Invite to everyone in your congregation.
Share Your QR Code on programs, posters, flyers, and promotional materials.
Engage With Everyone
Choose Your Audience prior to each text -- everyone, a small group, or a one-on-one chat.
And Simply Text what’s happening in your world -- content, events, hymns, pictures, product releases, promos, world topics, and more!